Why Unified Communications is Essential for Today’s Business Environment

Discover why Unified Communications is not just a tech buzzword but an indispensable tool for modern businesses. Dive into its advantages, from seamless device communication to unparalleled cost efficiency, and understand how it’s shaping the future of business operations.
Unveiling the Latest Microsoft Updates That Are Transforming User Experiences

As we cross the mid-2023 mark, it’s time to reflect on some of the recent noteworthy Microsoft updates that users around the world will find particularly useful.
What is Penetration Testing?

What is Penetration Testing? Penetration testing is a security evaluation executed exactly as a real attacker would. System vulnerabilities are discovered and exploits are launched trying to obtain unauthorized access. The objective is to inform the organization of the security issues that could result by not having the necessary security measures. By Craig Ford – […]
The Essential 8

What is the Essential Eight Maturity Model? This baseline, known as the Essential Eight, makes it much harder for adversaries to compromise systems. The Essential Eight is a series of baseline mitigation strategies taken from the Strategies to Mitigate Cyber Security Incidents recommended for organisations.
Latest Microsoft Updates

Latest Microsoft 365 Updates You Should Know about Davichi Marketing Microsoft Teams Meeting Auto-Transcription When the meeting organizer sets the Record automatically meeting option to On for a meeting. Transcription will now also be turned on with Recording when the meeting begins, if Transcription is allowed by admins. When will this happen: Late August and […]
Urgent Security Alert – Zloader Malware

New ZLoader Malware Variant targeting Australian financial institutions users. Users searching for TeamViewer remote desktop software on search engines are being redirected to malicious links that drop ZLoader malware onto their systems while also embracing a stealthier infection chain that allows it to linger on infected devices and evade detection by security solutions. By Davichi […]
Cyber Criminals targeting the Construction Industry!

Construction Industry targeted by Cyber Criminals Cybercriminals are targeting construction companies to conduct business email compromise scams(BEC’s). All parties to construction projects should be vigilant when emailing about invoices and bank details. By Davichi Cyber Team Alert Level Medium × Dismiss alert Our friends at the ACSC (Australian Cyber Security Centre) have observed and warned […]
Is the Cloud risky?

What are the Main Risks of Cloud Computing? The biggest risk of cloud computing is just that – the fact that it is cloud computing. The cloud has some great benefits but there are misconceptions about what the cloud actually is. To many, the cloud is an intangible place where wizards conjure invincible systems out […]
What to do if you think you have been hacked…

What to do if you think you have been hacked… What To Do Next? This is not a simple answer to give but its something that we get asked all of the time, so here are some basic tips to keep in mind. To best explain we will go through a couple of scenarios that may […]
Are Phone Payment Methods Secure?

You Wanted to Know… Are Smartphone Payment Methods as Secure as Credit Cards? Mobile phone payment methods are something that is starting to become a mainstream ability not just a novelty ability for the early tech adopters. Mobile phone payment methods have become mainstream and are no longer just a novelty for the early tech […]