Cybersecurity and the Accountancy Industry

You wanted to know: What are the Main Cybersecurity Problems in Accountancy? All industries have cybersecurity risks that are common between them like patching issues, keeping customer data private and keeping the external-facing parts of their systems hardened and secure. At the very least, every industry needs to uphold these basic standards, otherwise they are […]
Cybersecurity and the Manufacturing Industry

You wanted to know: What are the Main Cybersecurity Problems in Manufacturing? Cybersecurity in manufacturing has several challenges that we need to consider and resolve if we are to make a significant impact on the security landscape. In many manufacturing facilities, two separate networks exist – Information Technology and Operational Technology. By Davichi Cyber Security […]
Are Phone Payment Methods Secure?

You Wanted to Know… Are Smartphone Payment Methods as Secure as Credit Cards? Mobile phone payment methods are something that is starting to become a mainstream ability not just a novelty ability for the early tech adopters. Mobile phone payment methods have become mainstream and are no longer just a novelty for the early tech […]